Trouble Shoots
For more details and bug report, please visit: EarlyAccess Forum
Commons Errors
Q: I got wrong Game Version error.
A: Please restart SteamFront or click for forced update under game's properties in Steam console.
Q: Cannot connect with 'Server is down' message
A: Please check our facebook for server status.
Q: I got severe lag and cannot play the game.
A: Currently DRC is only testing with North America (East) Server. If you locate else where, please be patience for game server to be open in your area.
Known Bugs
- Under extreme lags, some skills (ie; Wiktor's Dead Shock, Iaron's headbutt) might not behave as expected.
- With heavy network delay, some character will be able to double charge.
- Server Chat is not guarantee to be delivered to all clients. PC in lan environment network might see some conflicted ip issue.