Welcome to the age of demagogues and male supremacy! New opw event is here along with two new game modes: Treasury Heist and Guild Siege.

Patch Note v8.59
Change Purgatory Plain to Loykraton theme.
Adde Loy Kratong items to event shops.
Added new RC#36 Loy Kratong Challenge'24
Added Defence Panel to Guild Board

Fixed many town job material mission bugs.
Fixed shop item bugs.
Fixed Demon Guild's Battle Chamber bugs.
Fixed many Demon AI skill bugs.
Fixed Nija's Delta Strike bug.
Updated many new effects.
Patch Note v8.58
Updated Demon Slum and Open Plain to Murica First Event.
Updated Event shop with new item list (trade Maga Flag.)

Added new monsters: Gunbilly and Wild Joe.
Added a new miniboss: Buffalo Dan (spawns when 130 monsters have been slain in the Dead Plains)
Changed the raid boss to: Giant Orange Specter (40% chance to replace the regular raid boss)
Increased opw drop chance back to original rate (drop rate = monster's level - 50% delta level between player and monster.)
Added new accessory: Cowboy Hat - Increases projectile damage by 13%.
Update Naraka Pike to: Increases melee damage by 13%.
Reopen open arena: Presidential Lane (access from Steve in demon slum, open 15.00, 21.00 and 24.00 everyday.)

Added new A.I. PvE map: Treasury Heist (Send shared silver upkeep to all players in the guild every week. Access from guild only.)

Added new A.I. PvP map: Guild Siege (Steal silver upkeep from other guild.)

Added missing Summer and Zerfer Models to all gold demons.
Fixed item raruty enhancement bug.
Fixed small chance of getting Blue Jin when burn animas.
Fixed Lost Fable 1st Stage's terrain bug.
Added new Tangerine, Maga creep hunt jobs:
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