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Nov 13th - Guild Decor Contest

Hey, it's the guild decoration week in the underworld! Craft and decorate your guild with our new 100+ furnitures and submit a photo with guild name to win soul rewards for every member in your guild! (All reward scores are subjected to Developer's opinion, so be sure to make impressive ones. Extra point to those who creatively use Demons as funny props lol.) Rewards are as followed:

Guild decor contest 2022

[Today - Nov 30th]


- Help your guild to create new furniture.

- Decorate your guild house with at least one piece of new furniture from v7.95 patch (only the guild leader or officer can decorate the guild house)

- Capture a screenshot of your guild house and guild members.

- Send a screenshot to the 'screenshot channel' via game discord (or post on our FB group) within the event period.

- Reply/comment your screenshot with your correct guild name.

- All done! The rewards will be sent after the event period.

Noted: Feel free to edit the screenshot with any ideas to impress our developer for an extra score. But don't forget to attach your guild name with it.

*There can be more than one screenshot from one guild so guild members can freely send their favorite screenshot.

*Reward tier will count as a guild. One guild can receive only the highest reward tier.

*Only the current guild members will receive rewards.


- All guild members will get the same reward according to the highest tier their guild gets.

- The submitted screenshot scores are subject to the Developer's opinion.

- Players can re-send screenshots as many times as they want to get the highest tier from admin.(within the contest period)

Reward tier

5 stars: 130 souls

4 stars: 90 souls

3 stars: 60 souls

2 stars: 40 souls

1 star: 30 souls

Patch note v7.95

- Announced 'Guild decor contest 2022' details.

- Added new set of furniture to guild board.

Gluttony set

Sloth set

Wrath set

Envy set

Lust set

Pride set

Purgatory set


- Updated guild donate materials for many guild furniture.

- Revamp guild house lighting.

Patch note v7.94b (mini patch)

- Added thai costume model for Oyama /Bifron /Black Baron /Zuijin /Rodeobob /Iaron /Killjoy /Matti /Mhaou /Mim /Urion.

- Added T-dance emotion for troth.

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