Pandora, an ancient alien which is fused with the earth, has emerged from the wild. It is furious over human's consumerism and wants to completely wipe off the human race on earth. However, the underworld cannot allow this, since they all need human souls to feed on. It’s now the time to stop Pandora from eradicating your source of sustenance, once and for all.
Also, we added the new super powerful ‘killer’ animas as well as the ‘Blank’ anima, which can be used to upgrade your favorite animas to the next level. Don’t forget to check em’ out!
Patch Notes 7.46
- Added a new boss campaign : Pandora’s Paradox (Accessible from the war chamber)

- Added a new boss : Pandora

- Added a new boss summon monster : Pandora's Shoot
- Added a new boss material : Pandora SeedCore (Can be obtained from Pandora's Paradox campaign reward)

- Added a new anima : Blank anima (Can be obtained from Guild Shop, Event Shop, and Gasha)

- Added a new anima type, Eater (Adds extra 10-25% damage over opposed race) consisting of animas as follows : Angel Eater I-IV, Fish Eater I-IV, Beast Eater I-IV, Demon Eater I-IV, Dragon Eater I-IV, Elemental Eater I-IV, Horror Eater I-IV, Human Eater I-IV, Insect Eater I-IV, Machine Eater I-IV, Plant Eater I-IV, Spirit Eater I-IV, Undead Eater I-IV (Can be traded with Kosmos at Expert Shop)

- Updated monsters race list: https://demonsarecrazy.fandom.com/wiki/Monsters
- Added a new page for Patch Updates in our wiki:
Adjustments and Fixes
- Adjusted respawn to spawn at the nearest spawn point.
- Adjusted Satanic Accessory (Satanic Frame) to only reduce 25% oversoul use.
- Fixed TwelfthTale and HallowPatch Dungeon 2nd map loop.
- Fixed Purgatory Cave incorrect spawn points.
- Fixed the issue where spirits (ghosts) do not respawn.
- Reduce fogs and increase distance chunks in low quality graphics.