The Japanese festival is back, along with new epic boss campaign. Can you beat Neothera, the abyssal crawler and its minions?

Patch Note v8.41
Change OPW and DemonSlum to Sakura Wind event.
Updated event shop list and changed event item to Daruma Rock.

Added new trial boss stage, Neothera to campaign window.

Added a new boss monster: Neothera.
Added a new insect monster: Mutilator.
Added a new campaign material: Silver Slither

Added a new anima: Neothera I-IV
Added new chat window to both PC and mobile version. (For PC, press cntl-enter to open/close and ctrl-mouse wheel to scroll. For mobile, rotate phone to portrait and press the chant window button.)

Updated and rebuilt all mobile shaders to recieve additional lights.

Rescaled all mobile interface in landscape mode to make it easier to read.

Changed Wind weapon's effect to 13% evd.
Changed Cloud weapon's effect to 13% evd.
Changed Outlaw armor's effect to block stun/petrify.
Changed Hanami armor's effect to block disarm/silence.
Changed Pandora anima to "add {5-20}% MAG but reduce {50-200} run speed."
Changed S.Gorgon anima to "add {200-500}% MMP but reduce {200-500}% MHP." // ------------------------------------------- Join our Official DemonsAreCrazy Community! 📍DRC North America Discord: 📍DRC Europe Discord: 📍DRC SouthEastAsia Discord: Also, follow our Facebook Page to get new updates before anyone!