Human's presidential election has manifested in the underworld! Come help your favorite human win!

The major anima patch has arrived! Along with the new open arena scene 'Presidential Lane,' which has manifested itself in the underworld. In this scene, demons will compete to collect money to pay lobbyists to help their human team win the election! This patch also adds a lot of unique ability animas and updates old ones. There will be no OPW event for a week, so we have included a new Ranking Challenge scene to keep you entertained. };D
P.S. Sorry we open the patch late and Joe has already been replaced. We'll switch to Kamala for the real election, lol.
Patch Note v.848
Revert Demon Slum and Purgatory Plains back to default theme. (There will be no OPW event for one week.)
Open new open arena: Presidential Lane. (Open every day at 15.00 and 21.00 pm)

Added two new creeps: Short Liberty and Tall Liberty.
Added two new bosses: Old Liberty Joe and Mega Trumpster.
Added new lobbyist interface for Presidential Lane.
Added four new lobbyist commands for team1: Liar Shout, Forgotten Thunder, Joe Supporter and Liberty Missiles.

Added four new lobbyist commands for team1: Truth Rally, Border Grenades, Trump Supporter and Mega D-Cannon.

Added new random reward box: President Box I (Drop presidential animas and kasha voins)

Added new presidential anima: Liberty I-IV (adds 15-45 mag.dmg and block 5-20 phy.dmg.)
Added new presidential anima: Trumpster I-IV (adds 10-25 phy.dmg and block 10-25 mag.dmg.)
Added new presidential anima: America I-IV (adds 6-15% kill money and 15-60% mission money.)
Added four new stat animas: Max Life I-V, Max Mana I-V, Max Stamina I-V and Max Fortitude I-V. (+200-1000 MHP, 60-300 MMP, 5-25 MSP, 10-30 MKO.) *
Added many new support animas I-IV that adds: Physical Dmg, Magical Dmg, Drian HP, Drain MP, HP Regen, MP Regen, Mission Silver, Mission EXP, Killed Silver, Killed EXP, KO Damage, Recieved Heal and many more. *
Added new animas: Salt I-V.
Updated and added all new animas to the kasha coin pool.
Updated all demon animas powers and effects.
Removed all leveled animas (can be thrown into flame altar to get replaced animas.)
Fixed Nija's floating lotus movement bug.
Fixed Nija's deltaStrike bug.
Added new Ranking Challenge #33 Devil Yoma Truck to the campaign window.

Hermont Skill Balance:
ShellShock: Deal STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) + TAL(66 ~ 100) dmg and reduce TAL(13 ~ 23) VIT for 23s.
QuickCharge: Swiftly lunge forward and deal 3xSTR(1.3 ~ 2.0) dmg and 5s ko.
Avalanche: Pull enemies toward Hermont and deal 3xSTR(1.3 ~ 2.0) + TAL(100 ~ 150) [water]/[ice] mag.dmg.
RepeatShot: Deal 8x STR(0.9 ~ 1.35) dmg with current weapon's element to single enemy.
StunPunch: Deal 2x STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) [thunder] dmg with LVL(66 ~ 100)% chance to inflict 2s stun.
FrozenShock: Deal STR(0.66 ~ 1.0) + TAL(130 ~ 200) [ice] mag.dmg and freeze enemies for 2s.
ColdBlitz: Deal STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) + TAL(130 ~ 200) [ice] dmg. If hit, gain TAL(130 ~ 200) HP barrier for 13s.
KingCrusher: Throw a snow ball, dealing STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) [ice] dmg and inflict 3s ice.
PlowingSnow: Deal STR(2.5 ~ 5.0) [ice][wind][water] dmg in a straight line and heal LVL(25 ~ 50)% of MHP.
CrushingPeak: Deal STR(6.0 ~ 12.0) + TAL(600 ~ 1200) [ice][wind][earth] dmg and stun on all enemies for LVL(6.0 ~ 13.0).
Amy Skill Balance:
ChargedHammer: Enable charged attack that deals STR(2.3 ~ 2.3) with 5 KO.
QuickHeal: Heal all allies in the 8m area around Amy for HLG(200 ~ 300) hp.
ThrowHammer: Throw a boomerang hammer that deals STR(1.5 ~ 2.3) [light] dmg with 23% stun.
OMGHammer: Smash the ground with a mighty blow, dealing STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + TAL(100 ~ 150) dmg with 10 KO.
HolyShield: Give Amy a shield that blocks LVL(33 ~ 50)% dmg and LVL(33 ~ 50)% [light] def for 15s.
SealOfMight: Deals STR(3.0 ~ 4.5) + TAL(100 ~ 150) [light] dmg and reduce ATK by LVL(25 ~ 40)% for 23s.
ShieldRush: Deal STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) dmg and gives nearby demon allies TAL(50 ~ 75) hp barrier for 13s.
LayOnPaw: Heal target ally for HLG(250 ~ 330) hp or deal [light] TAL(250 ~ 330) dmg to enemy.
SealOfWrath: Deals STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) + TAL(300 ~ 450) [light] mag.dmg to target area and reduce DEF by LVL(25 ~ 40)% for 23s.
SealOfFaith: Continuously deals TAL(100 ~ 150) [light] mag.dmg to enemies and heal HLG(100 ~ 150) hp to allies in 30m.
LightBringer: Deal TAL(300 ~ 450) [light] mag.dmg to target and reduce its [light] def by LVL(33 ~ 50)% for 23s.
Repent: Temporary gives n.Attack 23% chance to deal TAL(500 ~ 1000) [light] mag.dmg and heal allies with HLG(500 ~ 1000).
SuperSmash: Deals 8x STR(2.5 ~ 5.0) dmg with current weapon element with 15 KO each hit.
MightyOne: Deals STR(12.0 ~ 24.0) [light]/[earth] dmg and 50 KO. (x2 to Horrors and Undeads.)
ShiningGlory: Give all allies LVL(80 ~ 160) all-stats bless and LV.LVL(1 ~ 6) HolySword for 60s.
Mim Skill Balance:
PsychicPulse: Swap n.attack to 6 homing missiles with STR(0.5 ~ 0.75) + TAL(66 ~ 100) [thunder] dmg.
SilentBurst: Deals TAL(130 ~ 200) [thunder] mag.dmg and inflict silence status for 6s.
PsychoWave: Deal 10x TAL(130 ~ 300) [water] mag.dmg in a long line and reduce TAL(13 ~ 23) TAL for 23s.
BrainWash: Charm one enemy (none-demon) to Mim's team for LVL(30 ~ 60) seconds.
IllusionaryOrb: Fires a homing invisible orb, dealing 10xTAL(130 ~ 200) [water] mag.dmg along its path.
PsychicCharges: Cast a circling barrier that deals TAL(66 ~ 100) [thunder] mag.dmg for 13s.
PsychicBarrier: Gives Mim and demon allies barrier that absorb HLG(400 ~ 600) dmg with LVL(20 ~ 30)% [thunder] resist for 30s.
PsychoBomb: Swap n.attack to 10x bombing projectiles with STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) [water] mag.dmg.
ChainLightning: Fire a bolt that jumps 5 times dealing TAL(130 ~ 200) [thunder] mag.dmg and reduce [thunder] by 23%.
ShockTherapy: Deals TAL(500 ~ 1000) [thunder] mag.dmg and inflicts LVL(6 ~ 13)s confusion.
PsionicEnergy: Continuously drain 10% MMP to deal LVL(200 ~ 300)% true dmg.
KillingScan: Scan target and gain LVL(100 ~ 200)% killer of its type for 66s.
Iaron Skill Balance:
GiantCleave: Deal STR(2.0 ~ 2.0) dmg with normal attack, and STR(1.3 ~ 1.3) with walk attack.
BoldManeuver: Enable sprint attack, jump attack and double side or backward step with 50% evade.
HeadButt: Lunge forward, dealing STR(1.5 ~ 2.3) and stun an enemy for LVL(2 ~ 3)s.
Judgement: Smite with a giant blade dealing STR(3.3 ~ 5.0) [earth] dmg with 20 KO.
DeathMark: Mark a target with death, preventing it from gaining any HP for LVL(13 ~ 23)s.
PowerBreak: Deal STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) + TAL(66 ~ 100) [earth] dmg and reduce target's phy.dmg by 35% for 13s.
ArmorBreak: Deal STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) + TAL(100 ~ 150) [earth] dmg and reduce target's DEF by 35% for 23s.
Beheader: Deals 2x STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) [dark] eff.dmg plus LVL(33 ~ 50)% of Iaron's missing HP.
DefensivePush: Block all phy.dmg and deal 10x STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) [earth] dmg to front targets.
OffensiveCharge: Deal STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + TAL(200 ~ 300) dmg and reduce [earth] def by LVL(20 ~ 30)% for 23s.
DoubleStun: Deal 2x STR(3.0 ~ 6.0) dmg with weapon's element and inflicts 5s stun.
DragonSlayer: Deal 2x STR(4.5 ~ 9.0) dmg (2x to Dragons) and reduce ATK and DEF by 40% for 23s.
GraveCrusher: Deal tremendous STR(18.0 ~ 36.0) [earth] dmg to single target but also knock out Iaron.
Nija Skill Balance:
SwiftPaws: Deal STR(1.5 ~ 1.5) with n.attack and enable walk and sprint attack.
ChargeHeal: Enable Nija to charge and heal STR(0.3 ~ 0.3) HP and STR(0.1 ~ 0.1) MP.
Disarm: Deal STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) + TAL(50 ~ 75) [wind] dmg and inflicts disarm for LVL(3 ~ 5) sec. (+MoonFire)
BlackLotus: Throw 3 homing blades that deal STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) + TAL(66 ~ 100) [wind]/[dark] dmg. (+MoonFire)
MoonBlade: Cut away all shield status and deal 5xSTR(1.0 ~ 1.5) + TAL(50 ~ 75) [light] dmg. (+Hangetsu)
ShadowBlossom: Dealing 3xTAL(200 ~ 300) [dark] mag.dmg to surrounding enemies. (+Hangetsu)
FlipEdge: Evade and deal LVL(130 ~ 200)% target's STR as [dark] dmg (max LVL(333 ~ 500)) and reduce TAL(13 ~ 23) STR for 23s. (+MoonHeal)
NightSlash: Instantly warps behind target enemy and deal STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + TAL(130 ~ 200) [dark] dmg. (+MoonFire)
FloatingWheels: Throw a giant blade that deal STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) + TAL(100 ~ 150) [wind] dmg. (+Hangetsu)
PhantomBlade: Deal 10x STR(0.3 ~ 0.5) + TAL(33 ~ 50) [dark] eff.dmg to a single target. (+Hangetsu)
GroundSpike: Create a spike field dealing TAL(5 ~ 10) eff.dmg with 23% chance to cripple for 2s.
Shikigami: Tag a target and warp toward it on second activation and deal TAL(200 ~ 300) [dark] mag.dmg. (+MoonFire)
DeltaStrike: Places 3 seals dealing 6xSTR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + 1xTAL(500 ~ 750) [light][wind][dark] dmg, reduces those elements def by LVL(23 ~ 33)%. (+MoonHeal)
MoonlitPalm: Deal 2xSTR(2.0 ~ 4.0) + TAL(200 ~ 400) [light] then [dark] dmg and reduce 50% element def for 13s.
MidnightSlash: Deal STR(3 ~ 6) + TAL(200 ~ 400) [dark] eff.dmg to all front enemies, and reduce 20 ~ 40% ATK for 23s.
ShadowMeld: Temporary gives Nija 50% all evasion and speed boost for LVL(30 ~ 60)s.
LunarBlade: Remove all shield status and deal 6xLVL(300 ~ 600)% DEX as [light]/[dark] dmg to target area.
AssassinEclipse: Lock and deal STR(10 ~ 20) + TAL(666 ~ 1300) [dark] eff.dmg to a single target with less than 33% hp.
Barbas Skill Balance:
SniperScope: Deals STR(2.0 ~ 2.0) dmg in 50m with c.attack. (100% crit with head shot.)
KillerBees: Fire 5 homing missiles to random targets (or a locked target) each dealing TAL(80 ~ 120) dmg.
LastOdyssey: Fire a devastating ray forward, dealing 5xTAL(230 ~ 350) [light] mag.dmg along its path.
DoubleSaw: Deal 3x STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) dmg and reduce LVL(23 ~ 33)% DEF for 13s.
StraightHornets: Fire 5 straight missiles dealing STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) + TAL(50 ~ 75) [thunder] dmg.
TeslaCoil: Continuously deals TAL(66 ~ 100) [thunder] mag.dmg to random target with 33% chance to paralyze for 0.3s.
OrbitalRay: Deal TAL(400 ~ 600) [light]/[thunder] mag.dmg to 5 closest enemies in 200m (demon first.)
HemicSpray: Spray acid dealing 13x TAL(130 ~ 200) [poison] mag.dmg and reduce [poison] def by 23% for 13s.
IonicPulse: Deal TAL(200 ~ 300) [thunder] mag.dmg in 30m radius and reduce target MP by TAL(20 ~ 30)/s.
TargetingAI: Deal 10x STR(1.0 ~ 2.0) no-missed dmg (double for flying) with weapon's element to a target.
ShortCircuit: Deal STR(2.0 ~ 4.0) + TAL(200 ~ 400) [thunder] dmg (double for machines) and inflict paralyze for 5s.
SatelliteDrop: Deal 6x TAL(400 ~ 800) true dmg to all non-structure in a target area after 13s.
Oyama Skill Balance:
UnboundBlade: N.attack deals STR(0.7 ~ 0.7) dmg and 10% incremental with every hit. (Max 200%)
Insight: Passively reduce all Oyama's skill cool down by 3 sec when a skill is used.
FarCutTechnique: Deal STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + TAL(130 ~ 200) [wind] dmg to a target and reduce TAL(13 ~ 23) DEX for 23s.
EightfoldPath: Rapidly cuts up one close target, dealing 8x STR(0.66 ~ 1.0) + TAL(33 ~ 50) dmg with weapon's element.
LoneBushido: Increase all skills' dmg by LVL(125 ~ 150)% when no allies are within 23m.
PartingMist: Remove shields and deal STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + TAL(200 ~ 300) [wind]/[water] eff.dmg once targets are hit again in 6s.
BladeOfTranquility: Deal TAL(66 ~ 100) [water] mag.dmg to distant enemy and remove all buffs and debuffs.
PeaceOffering: Instantly give target ally or himself a LVL(10 ~ 15)% HP MP and SP.
PreceptOfIai: Temporary make n.attack deal TAL(130 ~ 200) mag.dmg to front enemies in 23m for 13s.
MirageStrike: Ensnare the last 6 enemies hit by Oyama (demons first) for 2s, dealing STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) + TAL(130 ~ 200) eff.dmg.
GodSlayer: Focus all into one slash, dealing STR(3.0 ~ 4.5) + TAL(300 ~ 450) [wind] dmg to non-structures enemies.
FlowingRiver: Deal TAL(200 ~ 300) [wind]/[water] mag.dmg in a long straight line (x2 to Undeads).
TornadoSlash: Deal 6x STR(0.66 ~ 1.0) + TAL(66 ~ 100) [wind] mag.dmg and reduce [wind] def by 23% for 13s.
OneAgainstMany: Slash random enemies with weapon's element, dealing 7x STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) dmg with critical last hit to all.
EmptySlash: Deal 2x STR(3.0 ~ 6.0) + TAL(300 ~ 600) [wind]/[water] dmg to enemies and removes all buffs/debuffs from all.
StraightCut: Cut a straight line that deal 3x STR(3.0 ~ 6.0) eff.dmg with n.attack element.
MizuchiVapor: Deal 6x STR(2.0 ~ 4.0) + TAL(200 ~ 400) [water] mag.dmg and reduce water by 13% for 13s (stack up to 100%).
StillBlade: Repeatedly deal STR(1.0 ~ 2.0) + TAL(100 ~ 200) [wind] dmg to a random enemy within 13m.
BladeTsunami: Deal 10x STR(4.0 ~ 8.0) + TAL(400 ~ 800) [wind]/[water] mag.dmg to front enemies and reduce [wind]/[water] def by 10% (stacking).
Rodeo Bob Skill Balance:
CoinSmack: Deal STR(1.5 ~ 1.5) dmg with normal attack, stealing 10 copper from target demon.
GatlingGun: Deal non-crit STR(0.7 ~ 0.7) dmg every 0.2s with charge attack.
DropDynamite: Drop dynamites in a line, dealing 5xTAL(130 ~ 200) [earth] dmg to enemies.
CasaDeLocos: Throw out a lot of bombs, dealing 12xTAL(130 ~ 200) [earth] dmg.
CratesOfKaboom: Plant a pile of bombs dealing 2x TAL(600 ~ 900) [earth] true dmg to all after 13s.
BombSpecialist: Increase explosives' range by LVL(25 ~ 50)% and add LVL(23 ~ 33)% def down.
ExplosiveKit: Plant an explosive on a target dealing TAL(130 ~ 200) [earth] eff.dmg after 6s (or dead.)
VivaLaCactas: Summon cacti army, dealing 30x TAL(13 ~ 20) [earth] eff.dmg to random enemies in 13s.
BraveGunner: Passively give C.Attack a LVL(15 ~ 23)% chance to crit when standing still.
BombHeist: Jump backward, planting bombs dealing 6xTAL(300 ~ 600) true dmg after 2s.
DueloAMuerte: Deals non-crit 60xSTR(1.0 ~ 2.0) dmg at screen target in 13s.
BellaCiao: Make up to 6 allies explode upon death or after 30s, each dealing TAL(666 ~ 1300) [earth] true dmg.
Tsukuyomi Skill Balance:
MoonSlice: Deal STR(0.66 ~ 0.66) and 13% drain mp with normal attack.
SpinningEdge: Throw blade forward, dealing STR(0.66 ~ 1.0) + TAL(66 ~ 100) [light][dark] dmg.
LunarPetals: Throw out 5 spinning blades, each dealing STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) + TAL(50 ~ 75) [light]/[dark] dmg.
DarkPhase: Make n.attack deals LVL(130 ~ 200)% of target's missing MP as [dark] eff.dmg for 13s. (Max LVL(130 ~ 200)% MMP.)
KabukiBlade: Perform a blade dance, dealing 6x STR(1.3 ~ 2.0) dmg with TAL(10 ~ 15) mp destroy.
WaxingMoon: Deals STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + TAL(100 ~ 150) [light] dmg, reduce 23% [dark] def with 33% 6s sleep.
WaningMoon: Deal LVL(200 ~ 300)% of target's TAL as [dark] mag.dmg (Max LVL(666 ~ 999)), reduce 23% [light] def with 23% 6s nightmare.
TripleMoonfalls: Deals 3x STR(4.0 ~ 8.0) with TAL(20 ~ 40) mp destroy.
ThousandMoons: Jump and throw 10 spinning blades, each dealing STR(2.0 ~ 4.0) + TAL(100 ~ 200) [light]/[dark] dmg.
LunarCycle: Deal 6x STR(1.0 ~ 2.0) + LVL(300 ~ 600)% of target's missing MP as eff.dmg.
Black Baron Skill Balance:
VenomLuger: Deal DEX(0.75 ~ 0.75) with n.attack (0sp) and inflict 13% 6s venom with 13% dmg (stack).
SilenceVMaim: Deal DEX(2.0 ~ 3.0) dmg and LVL(33 ~ 50)% inflict 6s silence or cripple based on hit location.
AcidFlask: Creates acidic field, dealing 20x TAL(10 ~ 15)/s [poison] eff.dmg and reduce LVL(20 ~ 30)% [poison] def.
AllShots: Deal 4x DEX(1.3 ~ 2.0) dmg to all front enemies and reduce LVL(20 ~ 30)% SPD for 6s.
HailMary: Deal STR(2.5 ~ 3.75) + TAL(250 ~ 375) dmg and inflict disarm, silence, and cripple to target and self for 13s.
ARBCombat: Deal 3x STR(1.0 ~ 1.5) + TAL(100 ~ 150) dmg and 10 KO to frontal enemy with weapon's element.
BlindShot: Deal TAL(150 ~ 230) [wind][dark] dmg, with LVL(30 ~ 45)% chance to blind for 13s.
PoisonRoulette: Deal 4x TAL(100 ~ 150) [poison] dmg to random enemies and inflict TAL(13 ~ 20) venom for 13s.
CrowsOfMurder: Summon a murder of crows, dealing 23x TAL(45 ~ 66) [dark] mag.dmg over 13s.
MeltDown: Deal TAL(500 ~ 750) [poison] dmg to all targets within 16m after 5s, remove venom and deal LVL(10 ~ 15)x of its dmg.
FocusAssault: Deal 9x DEX(1.3 ~ 2.6) dmg with current weapon element.
Anneburg Skill Balance:
ShieldBash: Deals STR(3.0 ~ 4.5) dmg with n.attack's element to surrounding enemies with TAL(300 ~ 450) hate.
DemonHunt: Deal STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) dmg to the closest enemy in 230m (demon first) with weapon element and cripple it for 6s.
EmeraldFall: Leap and smash target ground, dealing STR(2.0 ~ 3.0) + TAL(230 ~ 350) [wind]/[earth] dmg and 50 KO.
RollingStone: Rolls forward dealing 10x STR(1.5 ~ 2.3) [earth] dmg while blocking all phy.dmg.
CoreDrill: Deal 5x STR(1.5 ~ 2.3) [earth] damage in 10m area.
AegisShield: Reduce LVL(33 ~ 50)% def but grant other demon allies a shield that block LVL(66 ~ 100) p.dmg and mag.dmg for 30s.
CrystalSpark: Paralyze all nearby enemies 3s and reduce their [rainbow] def by LVL(20 ~ 40)% for 13s.
PiercingJewels: Block phy.dmg and deal 7x STR(2 ~ 4) dmg and 1x TAL(400 ~ 800) mag.dmg with weapon's element. (x2 to Elementals).
EarthRumble: Channel an earthquake, inflict cripple and deal 13x TAL(200 ~ 400) [earth] mag.dmg for 13s.
SummonLifeCrystal: Summon a crystal that restores up to LVL(200 ~ 400)% of MHP. (Self-activate when Anneberg's HP reaches 0.)
EmeraldCastle: Call out a castle wall for LVL(60.0 ~ 130.0)s.
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