It's Valentine! Time to go kick Eros's sexy butts and his love angels back to heaven!
When February arrives, the power of love blooms once again. Eros, the angel of love, leads an army of Cupids to invade the underworld once more. We kindly ask the demon army to help drive the Cupids back to heaven! The fan club stage also returns along with a new RC as usual.
ps. Good news is that we have completely updated and re-uploaded 80+ of our non-dungeon stages onto the mobile download cloud. The game is still a bit too difficult for mobile gameplay, so this week we'll be making the game a lot of that for both PC and mobile.
Patch Note v.867
Changed Demon Slum and OPW to Valentine theme with new event item.
Updated and add Eros as event raid boss. (40% chance.)
Gave all love angels new ability to attack charm enemy.
Add new ranking challenge to Campaign Window: # 40 - Love Challenge.
Reopened Mena Fan Club Stage in Campaign Window.
Reopened Choco Heart Stage in Campaign Window.
Re-added chocolate weapon set to Event Shop.
Updated many Valentine Items and added some to event shop.
Added Fan Club shirt as a reward for getting 5/5 correct answer from Mena's Fanclub and added Mara's Idol Costume to event shop.
Updated new Job quests in Demon Slum.
Updated regen, refill and refresh status icons. (Regen - return HP over time, refill - return MP over time, refresh - return SP over time.)
Updated clear, cleanse and nullify status icons. (Clear - remove physical debuff, cleans - remove magical debuff, nullify - remove all buffs and debuffs.)
Updated noBuff and noDebuff status icons. (noBuff - prevent all buffs. noDebuff - prevent all debuffs.)
Updated Amy's skill: Holy Shield - gives Amy and ally demons in {0}m a LVL({1}~{2})% dmg reduction and LVL({2}~{3})% MP Regen.
Updated Amy's skill: Bless - Give target ally TAL({2}~{3}) all stats and LVL({0}~{1})% [dark] def for {4}s.
Updated Iaron's passive skill: Passively adds {0}% HP regen rate and {1}% [earth]/[wind] resistance.
Updated Iaron's passive skill: HardenSkin - Add {0}~{1}% DEF everytime Iaron receive phy.dmg for {2}s. (Max LVL({3}~{4})%).
Updated Iaron's skill: Toughen - Adds LVL({0}~{1})% DEF and [earth] def for {2}s, passively double HardenSkin's max value.
Updated Oyama's skill: Blade of Tranquality - Deal TAL({0}~{1}) [water] mag.dmg to a single target and remove all buffs and debuffs.
Updated Oyama's skill: Precept of Iai - Cleanse self and makes n.attack deal TAL({0}~{1}) mag.dmg to front enemies in {2}m for {3}s.
Updated Urion's skill: Protection Bubble - Gives allies 4x HLG({0}~{1}) HP barrier in {2}s and deals 4xTAL({3}~{4}) mag.dmg to summons.
Updated Ishtar's Naturalized to remove both physical and magical debuff.
Updated Ishtar's Secret garden to remove both physical and magical debuff and extend its duration to 60s.
Revert most PC armors textures to 1024x1024.
Updated Tutorial 1 and Tutorial 2 for PC and Mobiles.
Re-upload all single-player maps to Mobile's download.
Re-upload all campaign maps to Mobile's download.
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