Leap yeay is sending underworld into the far future. Asgardians are also here to challenge demons to a godly duel.

Patch Note v.868
Changed Purgatory Plain to Chrono Leap event theme.
Added a new machine monsters: Xesla Dog, Xesla Tank, and Xesla Neuro to Purgatory Plain.
Added new special event anima: 366 (Gives 3-6% chance to add HLG(366) barrier when hit.)
Added new RC#41: Crypto Challenge to Campaign window.
Added new trail boss stage, Battle for Valhalla to Campaign window.
Added new trail boss: Odin, Loki and Thor.
Added new campaign material: asgardian helmet.
Added new campaign anima: Asgardian I-IV.
Added the ability to control summon with signal command and updated their icons. (Short cuts: Alt-1 to Alt-5)
Updated Black Baron's skill: Clear and protect allies from phy.debuff for LVL({0}~{1})s. Passively increase Armeearzt by LVL({2}~{3})%.
Update Mastema's skill: Frozen Bolt - deals {0}xTAL({1}~{2}) [ice]/[thunder] mag.dmg to random target, inflicting Lvl({3}~{4})% frost for {5}s.
Update Mastema's skill: Forsaken thunder - deals {0}x TAL({1}~{2}) [thunder] mag.dmg to {3} closest targets, inflicting silence for {4}s.
Switch Mastema's skills: Frozen Bolt (now 2-4) and Forsaken thunder (now SSS-2).
Deals STR({0}~{1}) + TAL({2}~{3}) [dark] dmg and inflicts LVL({4}~{5})% mag.down for {6}s.
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