Meet the real Santa and get your presents or punishments!

Have you been naughty or nice this year? The new raid boss, Big Santa, is here to deliver your well-deserved presents—or punishments! Additionally, the new SSS (Seventh Satanic Skills) system is live. These skills now use Essence of Sin items instead of Human Souls, making them much easier to use consecutively. We'll also be updating another New Year Patch next week. Merry X'mas to all and hope you had a great time!
ps. The patch is big again (3gb), because we had to updated to Unreal 5.5.1 to fix bugs. Hopefully this will be the last one. lol.
Patch Note v8.63
Changed Demon Slum and Open Plain to X'mas theme.
Added new X'mas event raid boss: Big Santa.
Updated Event Shop to X'mas list with updated Xmas and NY Box items.
Updated Town Job to X'mas jobs.
Reopen Eve of Madness (open everyday at 15.00, 21.00 and 24.00.)
Add Demon A.I. to Eve of Madness.
Reopen X'mas Parade in Campaign Window.

Lower Santa Reindeer vit by 90% and extended the event.
Added new SSS items: Essence of Sins to Free Shop and Field Shop.
Added 33% chances for Essence of Sins to return from burning sin arena materials.
Added the new SSS system which use Essence of Sins instead of souls.

Each demon's SSS use the following Essence of Sins as follow:
Wiktor: Sloth x4, Pride x2
Menalisa: Envy x3, Lust x3
Xunwu: Wrath x4, Greed x2
Fay: Envy x4, Pride x2
Matti: Gluttony x3, Lust x4
Killjoy: Sloth x3, Lust x3
Mhaou: Gluttony x3, Wrath x3
Hermont: Sloth x3, Wrath x3
Amy: Envy x2, Pride x4
Mim: Sloth x2, Envy x3
Troth: Lust x2, Greed x4
Iaron: Gluttony x3, Wrath x3
Nija: Envy x3, Greed x3
Ishtar: Gluttony x2, Envy x4
Verin: Wrath x3, Lust x3
Barbas: Sloth x3, Wrath x2
Oyama: Sloth x3, Envy x2
RodeoBob: Gluttony x3, Greed x3
Tsukuyomi: Envy x3, Lust x3
BlackBaron: Gluttony x3, Sloth x3
Urion: Greed x3, Pride x3
Anneberg: Gluttony x3, Greed x3
Bifron: Sloth x3, Pride x3
Mara: Lust x3, Pride x2
Tiamat: Greed x4, Pride x1
Zuijin: Wrath x4, Greed x2
Mastema: Wrath x3, Pride x3
Changed SSS unlock requirement to 6x Heart of Sin.
Changed SSS upgrade requirement to 3, 5, 7, 10, 13 x Heart of Sin for each level.
Changed Reskill to return all resource used.
Switch Verin's CrossCounter slot to [1/2] (skill/row).
Switch Verin's FrostNova slot to [1/3] (skill/row).
Switch Verin's FrostArmor slot to [2/2] (skill/row).
Switch Verin's FrostBite slot to [3/2] (skill/row).
Extended Verin's FrostBite duration to 9-13s.
Updated Nija's Assasin Eclipse skill to: Lock and deal 15x STR({0}~{1}) + TAL({2}~{3}) [wind][dark] dmg, plus total as eff. dmg if target HP < {4}%.
Updated the rest of maps' lighting to Lumen.
Switch Add A.I. tab to first slot in War Chamber's invitemenu.
Update Unreal to version 5.51.
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