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Open World


Open world is a special free-for-all zone where up to 20-40 players can join in. Inside, all demons will be able to kill each other, with unlimited re-spawn. Thus, this is a good area to go and test your demon skill out, or just have fun pvp-ing. There're often random event creep and Raid boss spawning in this area which you can hunt for special event rewards. Purgatory Plain, Purgatory Wall, and Purgatory Gate are open world area in DemonsAreCrazy. Here, event creeps will be spawn where players can hunt for items that can be used to trade for special unique items.


Level and Exp


In openworld mode, all demons starts out at their current level. Killing any demons in this mode will not net player any exp or level. Killing event creeps however, will give you 10%EXP and Copper of their normal value. Raid Boss that is killed also give out exp and drop reward to all player in the whole area.


Event Creep


Random creep will often spawns in Open World area during special events. Who ever get the killing blow on them will receive exp and drops which you can trade in at Event Shop inside Demon Slum.


Raid Boss


Raid Boss are special powerful entity that spawn in OpenWorld Area. They often required high level team of 10+ players to be able to take them on. Once defeated, all players currently in that stage will receive raid boss drop.


Accessing Open World Maps


Open world can be access via War Chamber's War Altar under purgatory slate. Alternatively, player can exit through south gates from Demon Slum to directly connect to specific open world stages.

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