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Campaign mode (PvE) is a secondary game mode that give players opportunity to form team and challenge different objective for additional rewards and unique equipments. Campaign Window can be access by talking to hovering Demion in WarChamber. Normal campaign can be enter anytime while special event campaigns are time specific that comes and go with event period. One green energy orb will be required to play any campaign. Once used, the orb will be replenish every hour.

Campaign Level& EXP


Typically, campaign mode start with the current Demons level. However, any exp and level gain inside the campaign are lost once the stage is over. Only end exp and copper at the end are added toward your overall progress.


Accessing Campaign Map


Campaign Window can be open by talking to hovering Demion in WarChamber. Normal campaigns can be access anytime while special event campaigns are time specific that comes and go with event period. All campaigns require one green orb to play which will be replenish every one hour.


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